Comprehensive Relationship and Sexuality Education

Sex education is not just about sex, and is incomplete without discussing everyday relationships and their impact on our broader lives.

Learning about the Sex Organs: Why is it Essential?

There is a cost attached to not knowing about one's body, especially our sex organs. Overcoming ingrained shame and acquiring knowledge about one's body is essential.

Sex Education

October 22, 2021

Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Sex, gender, and sexuality are terms that are often confused. It is important to unpack these terms and explore these concepts as they are the basis of sex education.

Sex Education

September 11, 2021

Understanding Consensual Sex

Consent is a less-understood concept in Indian society that needs to be addressed urgently. It is important to know what qualifies as consensual sex and how to understand it.

Sex Education

May 5, 2021

Sex & Reproduction: An Evolutionary Viewpoint and Beyond

What does the evolution of sex look like? Looking at attraction and sex from an evolutionary point of view can help us understand this phenomenon better.

Sex Education

May 5, 2021

The Economic Costs of the Lack of Sex Education

Most people believe that sex education is personal and can impact only the person/people involved. But there is a greater economic impact of sex education.

Sex Education

May 5, 2021

What Do Sexual Activities Entail?

We urgently need to educate ourselves on what all comes under the ambit of sexual activities. This knowledge can help protect ourselves from abuse and also avoid violating anyone else's rights.

Sex Education

April 29, 2021

Consent & Boundaries

The lack of explicit education on consent and boundaries makes it an area where many people fumble. Understanding these concepts is crucial for personal and professional life.

Sex Education

April 29, 2021


Virginity is given a lot of importance in conservative society. However, there are many myths and lack of knowledge about it. Learning about the body can help dispel the myths around it.

Sex Education

April 29, 2021


It is high time that we became comfortable with a process as natural and significant as periods. Understanding it from both a biological and cultural point-of-view is important for people of all sexes and genders.

Sex Education

April 29, 2021

Why is Sex Education Important for Teens and Young Adults?

Comprehensive Sex Education should begin much before puberty. But in today's hyperconnected world, teens and young adults need it more than ever.

Sex Education

April 29, 2021

Sex Education: An Overview

Sex Education is a lot more than teaching us how to have sex. Comprehensive Sex-Ed helps develop people into healthy, independent human beings.

Sex Education

April 29, 2021